Good morning everyone or evening if that’s where you’re at. It’s Friday again and I want to keep you updated on everything that’s going on down here. There’s Airways so much going on but that is good, right? God is working, God is moving.

The first thing I want to say is I want to give a shout out and a big thank you to a woman named Megan. She helped so much with the website. We ported it over to a new provider and it was pretty messed up. Megan fixed it for us! So if you haven’t seen the website since it’s changed over I’m going to encourage you to go look at it today. to see how beautiful it looks. I wanted to say thank you Megan for working on that, I really appreciate it and you did such a great job. And side note, I wanted to play with your dog, even if it’s snowing! 

This week I’m super thankful for the Mukarani’s, they had their baby. Her name is Elora Comfort Mukarani,which means I think God is my life. I got to meet her a couple days ago, she’s precious and she has a full head of hair. Let me tell you she’s got hair going on for days ! She’s a beautiful baby. Prayers for Loyce for recovery and strength as she adjusts to having a newborn in the house again.

My foot is still a little messed up so I have my cast for another couple weeks. But, it’s healing slowly slowly,m. It’s hard to heal as you get older but I’m working on it.

Had a going away dinner for Anne who has gone on furlough. Then took her to the airport and saw her off. She is at home at her parents house now. She’ll be back with us in about 3 months. 

I wanted to talk about the students at the school of ministry a little bit. Prayers for them as they continue to grow and have that heart change, to be transformed into the image of Christ. They’re working hard and I hope God blesses their efforts. They seem to want to know Him better which is great. Pray for us as we continue to work on making those disciples that can make disciples. Right now done students have drum lessons going on and some of them have computer lessons. They’re working on a lot of different things, even those logic puzzles that came. They’re working on them and they’re making advances, leaps and bounds, getting better and better in their thought processes.

The road outside is almost done on Bell Avenue. I know it’s been quite some time that they’ve been working on it but this is Africa and things just move more slowly here. Thanks for praying for this project. 

Coming up, things that you can pray about:

Movie night tonight we’re going to watch the Ben Carson Story called Gifted Hands, I hope that Inspire some people.

Pop-up soccer soon

Care team meeting is next Saturday in about a week 

The students are having their midterm tests in December, as we start to prepare for that

Students heart transformation more and more into the image of Christ

So, that’s what’s going on thank you so much for praying and thank you again Megan for all your help seriously it’s awesome.

Talk to you guys next week, God bless.

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